360° panoramas
360° panoramas
USA parks
High peaks
Winter scenes
Other landscapes
Vegetable kingdom
Churches & castles

Standard panoramas
Standard panoramas
USA parks
High peaks
Winter scenes
Other landscapes
Vegetable kingdom
Churches & castles

Vertical panoramas
Vertical panoramas
USA parks
High peaks
Winter scenes
Other landscapes
Vegetable kingdom
Churches & castles

Slide shows
Slide shows
USA parks
High peaks
Winter scenes
Other landscapes
Vegetable kingdom
Churches & castles

100 randomly
selected panoramas



Whole word

Panoramas of winter scenes

The 157 pictures below are available for download

The panoramas can be freely downloaded, as long as they are for your
private use. If you want to use them for public or commercial purposes,
you have to contact their authors in order to obtain their authorization.
You can send an e-mail to WPanorama so that he can put
you in touch with the authors of the panoramas published on the site.

If you get an error 403 message when attempting to
download a file, please disable your download manager.

Each picture is packaged in a zip file with its configuration file so you can just unzip the files in the program data directory (My documents\WPanorama by default) and enjoy them.

Click on any thumbnail to download the full size standard picture
or on the logo or the "high resolution" link for the hig resolution picture.

Click here to download wp_zugspitze05.zip
On the Zugspitze, Highest Mountain in Germany (Austria / Germany)    © Günter Wiedemann
Freehand images, stitched with PTGui, Nikon Z6, 24-120mm f/4,0
Dimensions: 2'933x768 pixels    Download size: 637 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'248x2'160 pixels, 3.29 Mb)
Downloaded 238 times in 144 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_zugspitze03.zip
On the Zugspitze, Highest Mountain in Germany (Germany / Austria)    © Günter Wiedemann
Freehand images, stitched with PTGui, Nikon Z6, 24-120mm f/4,0
Dimensions: 1'939x768 pixels    Download size: 418 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'454x2'160 pixels, 2.93 Mb)
Downloaded 228 times in 144 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_zugspitze02.zip
On the Zugspitze, Highest Mountain in Germany (Austria / Germany)    © Günter Wiedemann
Freehand images, stitched with PTGui, Nikon Z6, 24-120mm f/4,0
Dimensions: 2'775x768 pixels    Download size: 526 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'805x2'160 pixels, 2.95 Mb)
Downloaded 207 times in 144 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_zugspitze01.zip
Zugspitze, Highest Mountain in Germany (Germany / Austria)    © Günter Wiedemann
Freehand images, stitched with PTGui, Nikon Z6, 24-120mm f/4,0
Dimensions: 2'893x768 pixels    Download size: 432 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'137x2'160 pixels, 2.76 Mb)
Downloaded 230 times in 144 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_zugspitzecablecar.zip
Arrival of Zugspitze Cable Car (Austria / Germany)    © Günter Wiedemann
Freehand images, stitched with PTGui, Nikon Z6, 24-120mm f/4,0
Dimensions: 2'117x768 pixels    Download size: 422 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'954x2'160 pixels, 2.62 Mb)
Downloaded 234 times in 144 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today

 The 5'000th panorama posted on the site 
Click here to download wp_lesecrinsdepuiscoteplaine.zip
Les Ecrins from Côte Plaine Pass (Hautes-Alpes, France)    © Daniel Gibert
Dimensions: 5'360x768 pixels    Download size: 2.5 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'469x1'500 pixels, 9.43 Mb)
Downloaded 233 times in 168 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
In the downloadable file you will find the panorama as is it shown here, as well as
another version of it in which the names of the surrounding mountains are written

Click here to download wp_couchersoleilgrandcampmaisy04.zip
Winter Sunset over Grandcamp-Maisy Harbor (Calvados, France)    © Michel Le Bas
29 handheld images, stitched with Microsoft ICE, Panasonic DMC-FZ330
Dimensions: 5'981x768 pixels    Download size: 576 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'411x1'080 pixels, 1.13 Mb)
Downloaded 252 times in 214 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You will be able to see beautiful pictures by Michel Le Bas on Joomeo.

Click here to download wp_mondou.zip
Mondou Pet Store in Montréal (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
13 vertical images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.4.2, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 4'115x768 pixels    Download size: 586 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'037x1'500 pixels, 1.77 Mb)
Downloaded 377 times in 526 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_centrevillemontreal.zip
Downtown Montréal (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.4.2
Dimensions: 1'920x768 pixels    Download size: 417 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'750x1'500 pixels, 1.26 Mb)
Downloaded 359 times in 617 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_ruechalifouxprevost02.zip
Chalifoux Street in Prévost (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
8 vertical images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.4.2, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 3'597x768 pixels    Download size: 975 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'026x1'500 pixels, 3.37 Mb)
Downloaded 573 times in 946 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_ruechalifouxprevost.zip
Chalifoux Street in Prévost (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
5 vertical images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.4.2, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 2'686x768 pixels    Download size: 635 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'246x1'500 pixels, 2.14 Mb)
Downloaded 546 times in 955 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_rivieredesprairieshiver02.zip
Prairies River in Pont-Viau in Winter (Laval, Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.4.2, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 1'920x768 pixels    Download size: 453 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'750x1'500 pixels, 1.43 Mb)
Downloaded 564 times in 985 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_livignolake.zip
Livigno Lake from Stelvio National Park (Sondrio, Italy)    © Luca Lorenzo Bormolini
10 images, stitched with PTGui, Olympus
Dimensions: 2'022x768 pixels    Download size: 475 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'688x2'160 pixels, 3.25 Mb)
Downloaded 748 times in 1'247 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can see beautiful photos de Luca Lorenzo sur flickr.com

Click here to download wp_livignoviafreita.zip
Livigno Ski Resort on Via Freita (Sondrio, Italy)    © Luca Lorenzo Bormolini
8 images, stitched with PTGui, Olympus
Dimensions: 2'967x768 pixels    Download size: 819 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'346x2'160 pixels, 5.92 Mb)
Downloaded 747 times in 1'258 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can see beautiful photos de Luca Lorenzo sur flickr.com

Click here to download wp_centrejeunesselaval.zip
Laval Youth Center (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 4'115x768 pixels    Download size: 1.19 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'037x1'500 pixels, 3.67 Mb)
Downloaded 820 times in 1'312 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_pierreavoi04.zip
Pierre Avoi Peak from Mayens-de-Riddes (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
2 handheld images, stitched with Microsoft ICE
Dimensions: 1'920x768 pixels    Download size: 236 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'750x1'500 pixels, 777 Kb)
Downloaded 837 times in 1'322 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_hopitalsacrecoeur02.zip
In Front of Sacré-Coeur Hospital in Montréal (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
8 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 6'522x768 pixels    Download size: 1.86 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'191x1'200 pixels, 4.01 Mb)
Downloaded 845 times in 1'344 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_sionbrume.zip
Setting Sun and Mist over Sion (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
4 handheld images, stitched with Microsoft ICE
Dimensions: 2'508x768 pixels    Download size: 1.07 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'897x1'500 pixels, 2.98 Mb)
Downloaded 902 times in 1'471 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
In the downloadable file you will find the standard panorama, as well as
another version of it on which a special effect has been applied

Click here to download wp_sainteannedebellevue02.zip
In Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Suburb (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.4.2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 4'734x768 pixels    Download size: 947 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'245x1'500 pixels, 2.75 Mb)
Downloaded 937 times in 1'626 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_ruesainteanne.zip
Sainte-Anne Street in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.6.2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 5'344x768 pixels    Download size: 1.13 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'437x1'500 pixels, 3.99 Mb)
Downloaded 936 times in 1'655 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_restaurantbasile.zip
Basile Restaurant in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.6.2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 3'531x768 pixels    Download size: 725 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'897x1'500 pixels, 2.17 Mb)
Downloaded 956 times in 1'667 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_sainteannedebellevue.zip
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Church (Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec, Canada)
© Sylvain Lanthier
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.6.2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 4'252x768 pixels    Download size: 1.33 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'305x1'500 pixels, 4.23 Mb)
Downloaded 946 times in 1'668 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_mcdonaldsboulevardconcorde.zip
McDonald's on Concorde Boulevard during a Snowfall (Laval, Québec, Canada)
© Sylvain Lanthier
Stitched with Autopano Giga 3.6.2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 2'415x768 pixels    Download size: 415 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'774x1'200 pixels, 798 Kb)
Downloaded 930 times in 1'742 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_rivieredesprairieshiver.zip
Prairies River in Winter (Laval, Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
4 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.4.2, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 2'776x768 pixels    Download size: 400 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'422x1'500 pixels, 1.23 Mb)
Downloaded 1'129 times in 1'969 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_weisshornouest.zip
West Face of Weisshorn Mountain on a Full Moon Night (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)
© Florian Genier
31 pictures, stitched with Microsoft ICE
Dimensions: 10'680x768 pixels    Download size: 1.14 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (16'688x1'200 pixels, 2.48 Mb)
Downloaded 1'144 times in 1'969 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_arolla.zip
View of the Alps from above Arolla (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
12 pictures, stitched with Microsoft ICE
Dimensions: 5'512x768 pixels    Download size: 792 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'766x1'500 pixels, 2.36 Mb)
Downloaded 1'203 times in 1'999 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_lescollons.zip
View of the Alps from Les Collons (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
11 pictures, stitched with Microsoft ICE
Dimensions: 7'680x768 pixels    Download size: 1.17 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'001x1'200 pixels, 2.58 Mb)
Downloaded 1'179 times in 1'999 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_sainteadele.zip
After a Snow Storm in Sainte-Adèle (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
4 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.6.2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 2'965x768 pixels    Download size: 631 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'949x1'800 pixels, 2.55 Mb)
Downloaded 1'183 times in 2'005 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_sainteannedeslacs02.zip
After a Snow Storm in Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
3 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.6.2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 3'091x768 pixels    Download size: 383 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'244x1'800 pixels, 1.61 Mb)
Downloaded 1'193 times in 2'017 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_moleson.zip
View from Top of Moléson Mountain (Canton of Fribourg, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 3'671x768 pixels    Download size: 362 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'170x1'500 pixels, 1.21 Mb)
Downloaded 1'201 times in 2'019 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_wallacemonument.zip
Stirling and Wallace Monument from Stirling Castle (Scotland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 3'025x768 pixels    Download size: 620 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'090x1'800 pixels, 2.56 Mb)
Downloaded 1'182 times in 2'019 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_litvinovcastlewinter.zip
Litvínov Castle and Park in Winter (Czech Republic)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 2'879x768 pixels    Download size: 690 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'622x1'500 pixels, 2.07 Mb)
Downloaded 1'209 times in 2'034 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_boulevardlevesque.zip
Along Lévesque Boulevard in Laval (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
13 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.6.2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 3'406x768 pixels    Download size: 1.14 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'652x1'500 pixels, 3.71 Mb)
Downloaded 1'261 times in 2'060 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_rosemere02.zip
Chemin de la Grande-Côte in Rosemère (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
6 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 4'518x768 pixels    Download size: 1.3 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'824x1'500 pixels, 3.86 Mb)
Downloaded 1'335 times in 2'117 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_parcsaintlouis03.zip
Saint-Louis Park in Lachine (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 2'976x768 pixels    Download size: 582 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'812x1'500 pixels, 1.67 Mb)
Downloaded 1'500 times in 2'318 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_parcsaintlouis02.zip
Saint-Louis Park in Lachine (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 2'787x768 pixels    Download size: 607 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'444x1'500 pixels, 1.92 Mb)
Downloaded 1'521 times in 2'337 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_weissenstein.zip
Snow Sprinkle on Weissenstein from Bâche (Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland)
© Florian Genier
Dimensions: 2'395x768 pixels    Download size: 569 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'679x1'500 pixels, 1.89 Mb)
Downloaded 1'647 times in 2'352 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_tempetedeneigelaval.zip
Snow Storm in a Residential Area (Laval, Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
14 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1, Canon EOS M3
Dimensions: 5'307x768 pixels    Download size: 1.06 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'365x1'500 pixels, 3.26 Mb)
Downloaded 1'587 times in 2'390 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_titlispistenord.zip
Titlis Mountain North Slope (Canton of Obwald, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 2'082x768 pixels    Download size: 365 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'067x1'500 pixels, 1.23 Mb)
Downloaded 1'793 times in 2'482 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_titlisnordouest.zip
North-West View from Titlis Mountain (Canton of Obwald, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 2'465x768 pixels    Download size: 590 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'814x1'500 pixels, 1.68 Mb)
Downloaded 1'774 times in 2'482 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_titlisouest.zip
West View from Titlis Mountain (Canton of Obwald, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 2'649x768 pixels    Download size: 615 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'175x1'500 pixels, 1.65 Mb)
Downloaded 1'785 times in 2'482 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_wetterhorncrepuscule.zip
Wetterhorn Mountain at Dusk (Berner Oberland, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 2'172x768 pixels    Download size: 192 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'393x1'200 pixels, 454 Kb)
Downloaded 1'783 times in 2'482 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_maennlichen02.zip
View from Männlichen above Grindelwald (Berner Oberland, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 5'932x768 pixels    Download size: 781 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'269x1'200 pixels, 1.67 Mb)
Downloaded 1'859 times in 2'482 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_freresdesaintecroix.zip
Brothers of Holy Cross Headquarters (Laval, Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1, Nikon Coolpix P600
Dimensions: 4'059x768 pixels    Download size: 1.27 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'929x1'500 pixels, 4 Mb)
Downloaded 1'838 times in 2'649 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_chatelsaintdenis.zip
Châtel-Saint-Denis at Sunset (Canton of Fribourg, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Stitched with Zoner
Dimensions: 1'920x768 pixels    Download size: 411 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'750x1'500 pixels, 1.46 Mb)
Downloaded 2'041 times in 2'792 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_ruemeunier.zip
Meunier Street in Laval-des-Rapides (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1, Nikon Coolpix P600
Dimensions: 5'312x768 pixels    Download size: 835 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'300x1'200 pixels, 1.77 Mb)
Downloaded 1'955 times in 2'816 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_stanserhorn.zip
Stanserhorn from Titlis Mountain (Canton of Unterwald, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 2'743x768 pixels    Download size: 301 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'858x1'080 pixels, 640 Kb)
Downloaded 2'113 times in 3'007 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_vueduchasseral.zip
View from Chasseral Pass (Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 2'404x768 pixels    Download size: 225 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'757x1'200 pixels, 506 Kb)
Downloaded 2'093 times in 3'007 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_chasseral02.zip
Chasseral and Dombresson Mountain Restaurant (Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
© Florian Genier
Dimensions: 3'258x768 pixels    Download size: 463 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'363x1'500 pixels, 1.47 Mb)
Downloaded 2'158 times in 3'007 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_gareprevost04.zip
Prévost Old Railway Station (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
8 images, stitched with Autopano Giga
Dimensions: 3'330x768 pixels    Download size: 622 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'505x1'500 pixels, 1.84 Mb)
Downloaded 1'943 times in 3'039 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_ecublenshiver.zip
Ecublens on a Winter Evening (Near Lausanne, Switzerland)    © Pierre-Alain Bovard
3 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.2.3, Pentax WG-3 GPS
Dimensions: 2'151x768 pixels    Download size: 306 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'361x1'200 pixels, 626 Kb)
Downloaded 2'127 times in 3'132 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_valdstejnskalitvinov.zip
Valdstejnská Street in Litvínov in Winter (Czech Republic)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 2'296x768 pixels    Download size: 413 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'381x1'800 pixels, 1.74 Mb)
Downloaded 2'089 times in 3'174 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_rigi03.zip
Winter View from Rigi Mountain (Central Switzerland)    © Laurent Carron
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1
Dimensions: 4'443x768 pixels    Download size: 645 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'414x1'800 pixels, 2.74 Mb)
Downloaded 2'335 times in 3'488 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can see Laurent's extraordinary rose garden on www.laroseraiedechataignier.ch

Click here to download wp_rigi02.zip
Winter View from Rigi Mountain (Central Switzerland)    © Laurent Carron
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.7.1
Dimensions: 4'124x768 pixels    Download size: 681 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'666x1'800 pixels, 2.95 Mb)
Downloaded 2'350 times in 3'488 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can see Laurent's extraordinary rose garden on www.laroseraiedechataignier.ch

Click here to download wp_centrecommercialduvernay.zip
Duvernay Shopping Center in Laval (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.5.0, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 4'062x768 pixels    Download size: 447 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'346x1'200 pixels, 951 Kb)
Downloaded 2'204 times in 3'811 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_litvinovzimnikrasa.zip
Ský pond in Litvínov (Czech Republic)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 3'595x768 pixels    Download size: 819 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'426x1'800 pixels, 4.08 Mb)
Downloaded 2'331 times in 3'833 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_complexesophiebarrat.zip
Sophie-Barrat Sports Complex in Montréal (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
9 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 4'404x768 pixels    Download size: 817 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'322x1'800 pixels, 3.52 Mb)
Downloaded 2'238 times in 3'847 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_postepolicemontreal.zip
Old Police and Fire Station in Montréal (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
9 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 4'521x768 pixels    Download size: 768 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'596x1'800 pixels, 3.13 Mb)
Downloaded 2'245 times in 3'850 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_chaffois02.zip
The Village of Chaffois (Doubs, France)    © Michel Blondeau
Stitched with Windows Live, Canon A 620
Dimensions: 4'527x768 pixels    Download size: 947 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'074x1'200 pixels, 1.84 Mb)
Downloaded 2'376 times in 3'870 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_chaffois01.zip
The Village of Chaffois (Doubs, France)    © Michel Blondeau
12 images, stitched with Windows Live, Canon A 620
Dimensions: 6'796x768 pixels    Download size: 1.05 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'619x1'200 pixels, 2.22 Mb)
Downloaded 2'462 times in 3'870 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_dommartin.zip
The Village of Dommartin (Doubs, France)    © Michel Blondeau
23 images, stitched with Windows Live, Canon A 620
Dimensions: 12'179x768 pixels    Download size: 1.5 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (19'030x1'200 pixels, 2.91 Mb)
Downloaded 2'461 times in 3'870 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_centrepontarlier02.zip
Downtown Pontarlier (Doubs, France)    © Michel Blondeau
Stitched with Windows Live, Canon A 620
Dimensions: 3'176x768 pixels    Download size: 522 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'962x1'200 pixels, 1 Mb)
Downloaded 2'303 times in 3'870 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_centrepontarlier01.zip
Downtown Pontarlier (Doubs, France)    © Michel Blondeau
Stitched with Windows Live, Canon A 620
Dimensions: 2'228x768 pixels    Download size: 318 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'481x1'200 pixels, 617 Kb)
Downloaded 2'316 times in 3'870 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_minicentrecommerciallaval.zip
Mini-Shopping Center in Laval (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 3'135x768 pixels    Download size: 259 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'898x1'200 pixels, 586 Kb)
Downloaded 2'167 times in 3'881 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_boulevarddelaconcorde.zip
Snow Storm on Concorde Boulevard (Laval, Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 3'798x768 pixels    Download size: 537 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'934x1'200 pixels, 1.13 Mb)
Downloaded 2'222 times in 3'881 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_cinemaguzzo.zip
Guzzo Multiplex Cinemas in Laval (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 5'580x768 pixels    Download size: 380 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'718x1'200 pixels, 728 Kb)
Downloaded 2'191 times in 3'881 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_eglisestclaude.zip
Saint-Claude Church in Laval (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 3'543x768 pixels    Download size: 715 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'919x1'500 pixels, 1.92 Mb)
Downloaded 2'244 times in 3'889 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_mynzhilki.zip
Mynzhilki Weather Station near Almaty (Kazakhstan)    © A. Zhenya
Dimensions: 2'747x768 pixels    Download size: 571 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'432x1'800 pixels, 2.21 Mb)
Downloaded 2'138 times in 3'889 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_picdumidi02.zip
Sunrise from Pic du Midi de Bigorre (Hautes-Pyrénées, France)    © Jacques Gourier
Stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8
Dimensions: 3'161x768 pixels    Download size: 320 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'408x1'800 pixels, 1.26 Mb)
Downloaded 2'510 times in 3'903 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_picdumidi01.zip
Sunrise from Pic du Midi de Bigorre (Hautes-Pyrénées, France)    © Jacques Gourier
20 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8
Dimensions: 2'655x768 pixels    Download size: 489 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'223x1'800 pixels, 2.07 Mb)
Downloaded 2'410 times in 3'903 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_edificegl.zip
GL Building in Laval (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 3'859x768 pixels    Download size: 502 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'030x1'200 pixels, 1.04 Mb)
Downloaded 2'236 times in 3'906 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_jungfraujoch05.zip
Mönch Mountain from the Sphinx Observatory, Jungfraujoch (Berner Oberland, Switzerland)
© Pierre-Alain Bovard
2 hand held images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8, Nikon Coolpix S9100
Dimensions: 2'026x768 pixels    Download size: 268 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'165x1'200 pixels, 594 Kb)
Downloaded 2'419 times in 4'000 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_jungfraujoch04.zip
View from the Sphinx Observatory, Jungfraujoch (Berner Oberland, Switzerland)
© Pierre-Alain Bovard
5 hand held images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8, Nikon Coolpix S9100
Dimensions: 3'740x768 pixels    Download size: 522 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'766x1'800 pixels, 2.29 Mb)
Downloaded 2'479 times in 4'000 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_gornergrat12.zip
View from Gornergrat (Zermatt area, Switzerland)    © Pierre-Alain Bovard
3 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8, Nikon Coolpix S9100
Dimensions: 1'945x768 pixels    Download size: 372 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'798x1'500 pixels, 1.17 Mb)
Downloaded 2'439 times in 4'000 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_gornergrat11.zip
View from Gornergrat (Zermatt area, Switzerland)    © Pierre-Alain Bovard
7 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8, Nikon Coolpix S9100
Dimensions: 5'864x768 pixels    Download size: 899 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (13'743x1'800 pixels, 3.82 Mb)
Downloaded 2'496 times in 4'000 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_gornergrat10.zip
View from Gornergrat (Zermatt area, Switzerland)    © Pierre-Alain Bovard
8 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8, Nikon Coolpix S9100
Dimensions: 4'587x768 pixels    Download size: 698 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'752x1'800 pixels, 2.91 Mb)
Downloaded 2'470 times in 4'000 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_gornergrat09.zip
View from Gornergrat (Zermatt area, Switzerland)    © Pierre-Alain Bovard
6 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.0.8, Nikon Coolpix S9100
Dimensions: 3'520x768 pixels    Download size: 615 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'250x1'800 pixels, 2.56 Mb)
Downloaded 2'489 times in 4'000 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_terrebonne01.zip
Near Ile-des-Moulins Park in Terrebonne (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
4 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Nikon Coolpix P510
Dimensions: 2'015x768 pixels    Download size: 589 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'722x1'800 pixels, 2.39 Mb)
Downloaded 2'319 times in 4'179 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_hofkircheaugustusbridge.zip
Katholische Hofkirche and Augustus Bridge in Dresden (Germany)    © Günter Wiedemann
Freehand images, stitched with PTGui, Nikon D700
Dimensions: 2'000x768 pixels    Download size: 314 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'167x1'600 pixels, 4.62 Mb)
Downloaded 2'173 times in 4'230 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_loblaws.zip
Loblaws Supermarket near Jean-Talon Highway Station (Montréal, Québec, Canada)
© Pascal Lanthier
8 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Nikon Coolpix P90
Dimensions: 6'860x768 pixels    Download size: 1.07 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'719x1'200 pixels, 2.1 Mb)
Downloaded 2'329 times in 4'238 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_garejeantalon02.zip
Near Jean-Talon Railway Station in Montréal (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
3 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Nikon Coolpix P90
Dimensions: 4'351x768 pixels    Download size: 439 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'798x1'200 pixels, 924 Kb)
Downloaded 2'305 times in 4'246 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_pontarlier02.zip
The little Town of Pontarlier in Winter (Doubs, France)    © Jean-Claude Uzzeni
5 images, stitched with Windows Live, Leica V-LUX 1
Dimensions: 4'522x768 pixels    Download size: 859 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'065x1'200 pixels, 1.7 Mb)
Downloaded 3'003 times in 4'437 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_glacierargentiere.zip
In Argentière Basin, Mont Blanc Range (Haute-Savoie, France)    © Michel Puissant
Stitched with Panorama Maker 4 pro, Nikon D200 with 18x70 AFS lens
Dimensions: 2'055x768 pixels    Download size: 285 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'211x1'200 pixels, 2.9 Mb)
Downloaded 2'790 times in 4'541 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_hotellestmartin.zip
The Le St-Martin Hotel in Laval (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
3 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Nikon Coolpix P90
Dimensions: 2'718x768 pixels    Download size: 307 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'247x1'200 pixels, 653 Kb)
Downloaded 2'452 times in 4'576 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_dentdefenestral.zip
On Top of South-West Couloir of Dent de Fenestral (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)
© Michel Puissant
Stitched with VR Photomerge, Nikon D300 with 16-85 AFS lens
Dimensions: 3'843x768 pixels    Download size: 807 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'004x1'200 pixels, 1.52 Mb)
Downloaded 2'815 times in 4'595 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_croisebaulet.zip
Going up Croise Baulet, facing Mont Blanc Range (Haute-Savoie, France)
© Michel Puissant
Stitched with Photomerge, Nikon D70 with Nikon AFS 18-70 lens
Dimensions: 2'558x768 pixels    Download size: 425 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'198x960 pixels, 597 Kb)
Downloaded 2'756 times in 4'598 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_campanilenellagodiresia.zip
Lake Resia Church Tower in Curon Venosta (Bolzano, Italy)    © Roberto Fozza
Dimensions: 3'075x768 pixels    Download size: 1.18 Mb
Downloaded 1'383 times in 4'602 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_samoens02.zip
Between Le Criou and Le Buet from Samoëns 1600 (Haute-Savoie, France)
© Michel Blondeau
5 images, Canon A620
Dimensions: 3'362x768 pixels    Download size: 690 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'254x1'200 pixels, 1.37 Mb)
Downloaded 2'715 times in 4'648 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_villandereralm02.zip
Villanderer Alm (South Tyrol, Italy)    © Volker Schmidt
Stitched with Hugin, Panasonic DMC TZ-10
Dimensions: 4'761x768 pixels    Download size: 570 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (11'158x1'800 pixels, 2.18 Mb)
Downloaded 2'918 times in 4'881 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_villandereralm01.zip
Villanderer Alm (South Tyrol, Italy)    © Volker Schmidt
Stitched with Hugin, Panasonic DMC TZ-10
Dimensions: 4'618x768 pixels    Download size: 586 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'824x1'800 pixels, 2.07 Mb)
Downloaded 2'701 times in 4'881 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_weissfluh.zip
View from Weissfluh above Davos (Eastern Switzerland)    © Florian Genier
Dimensions: 13'636x768 pixels    Download size: 2.11 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (19'229x1'083 pixels, 2.11 Mb)
Downloaded 2'766 times in 4'913 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_cathedralestjerome.zip
Cathedral of St-Jérôme City (Québec, Canada)    © Pascal Lanthier
3 images, stitched with Autopano Pro, Nikon Coolpix P90
Dimensions: 3'244x768 pixels    Download size: 1 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'603x1'800 pixels, 3.67 Mb)
Downloaded 2'524 times in 4'932 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_moscowkremlin.zip
Moscow Kremlin (Russia)    © Günter Wiedemann
Freehand images, stitched with PTGui, Canon EOS 5D
Dimensions: 3'279x768 pixels    Download size: 571 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'124x1'200 pixels, 3.38 Mb)
Downloaded 2'659 times in 4'960 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_kanzelwand.zip
Kanzelwand above Riezlern Kleinwalsertal (Vorarlberg, Austria)    © Günter Wiedemann
Freehand images, stitched with PTGui, Samsung EX1
Dimensions: 2'349x768 pixels    Download size: 460 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'312x1'737 pixels, 1.67 Mb)
Downloaded 2'389 times in 4'987 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_puysaintvincent03.zip
View from the Church of Puy-Saint-Vincent (Hautes-Alpes, France)    © Jacques Gourier
9 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2.5 beta 2
Dimensions: 2'295x768 pixels    Download size: 527 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'115x1'377 pixels, 1.38 Mb)
Downloaded 2'735 times in 4'989 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_puysaintvincent02.zip
View from the Church of Puy-Saint-Vincent (Hautes-Alpes, France)    © Jacques Gourier
7 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2.5 beta 2
Dimensions: 2'136x768 pixels    Download size: 366 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'355x1'566 pixels, 1.22 Mb)
Downloaded 2'659 times in 4'989 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_puysaintvincent.zip
View from Puy-Saint-Vincent (Hautes-Alpes, France)    © Jacques Gourier
11 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2.5 beta 2
Dimensions: 2'535x768 pixels    Download size: 484 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'788x2'057 pixels, 2.87 Mb)
Downloaded 2'715 times in 5'004 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_temperatehousearea.zip
Kew Gardens Temperate House area (England)    © Martin Lancaster
13 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'605x768 pixels    Download size: 774 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (13'419x2'859 pixels, 9.22 Mb)
Downloaded 2'859 times in 5'017 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_rochersdenayedepuisecublens.zip
Rochers de Naye from Ecublens in winter (Near Lausanne, Switzerland)
© Pierre-Alain Bovard
5 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2, Canon PowerShot SX200 IS
Dimensions: 3'689x768 pixels    Download size: 404 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'765x1'200 pixels, 977 Kb)
Downloaded 2'610 times in 5'023 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_ravindelours.zip
Near the Village of Linchamps (Ardennes, France)    © Daniel Gibert
Dimensions: 1'919x768 pixels    Download size: 741 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'020x2'810 pixels, 7.72 Mb)
Downloaded 2'780 times in 5'033 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_spiez.zip
First Snow in Spiez and Lake of Thun (Canton of Bern, Switzerland)    © Laurent Carron
4 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2, Sony DSC-W380
Dimensions: 3'677x768 pixels    Download size: 763 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (13'785x2'879 pixels, 5.8 Mb)
Downloaded 2'789 times in 5'033 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can see Laurent's extraordinary rose garden on www.laroseraiedechataignier.ch

Click here to download wp_marianskeradcice03.zip
The Ore Mountains from Marianske Radcice (Czech Republik)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 4'001x768 pixels    Download size: 477 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'251x1'200 pixels, 970 Kb)
Downloaded 2'667 times in 5'033 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_hautenendaz02.zip
Haute-Nendaz, above Sion (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Pierre-Alain Bovard
3 hand held images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.0, Nikon Coolpix P6000
Dimensions: 2'173x768 pixels    Download size: 255 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'209x3'255 pixels, 3.27 Mb)
Downloaded 2'845 times in 5'303 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_hautenendaz01.zip
View from Haute-Nendaz, above Sion (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)
© Pierre-Alain Bovard
4 hand held images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.0, Nikon Coolpix P6000
Dimensions: 3'185x768 pixels    Download size: 428 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'154x2'931 pixels, 4.93 Mb)
Downloaded 2'978 times in 5'303 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_plateauardechois.zip
Ardèche Plateau from Suc de Bauzon (Rhône-Alpes, France)    © Christophe Chaumet
Nikon Coolpix 5100 + Panorama Maker 4
Dimensions: 4'633x768 pixels    Download size: 562 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (16'993x2'817 pixels, 5.45 Mb)
Downloaded 2'714 times in 5'313 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_palmerlake02.zip
County Line Road and Palmer Lake (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
9 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 5'588x768 pixels    Download size: 911 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (15'215x2'091 pixels, 7.1 Mb)
Downloaded 2'566 times in 5'320 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_sprucemountain.zip
Spruce Mountain from Douglas County (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
8 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 4'638x768 pixels    Download size: 858 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (13'226x2'190 pixels, 7.24 Mb)
Downloaded 2'570 times in 5'320 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_palmerlake01.zip
County Line Road and Palmer Lake (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 3'979x768 pixels    Download size: 906 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (17'658x3'408 pixels, 17.21 Mb)
Downloaded 2'563 times in 5'320 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_route117prevost.zip
On Route 117 near Prévost at dusk (Québec, Canada)    © Nicole Leduc
Dimensions: 2'724x768 pixels    Download size: 323 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'460x2'667 pixels, 3.62 Mb)
Downloaded 2'626 times in 5'353 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
More photos and panoramas by Nicole on panoramafactory.net

Click here to download wp_stjosephdulac.zip
Near Saint-Joseph-du-Lac (Québec, Canada)    © Sylvain Lanthier
Dimensions: 5'494x768 pixels    Download size: 706 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'154x1'000 pixels, 1.27 Mb)
Downloaded 2'643 times in 5'380 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_vergerstjoseph.zip
Richard Legault orchard in Saint-Joseph-du-Lac (Québec, Canada)    © Nicole Leduc
Dimensions: 3'416x768 pixels    Download size: 321 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'672x1'500 pixels, 1.19 Mb)
Downloaded 2'754 times in 5'391 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
More info about this charming place on vergerrichardlegault.com

Click here to download wp_marecottes.zip
On top of the Marécottes ski slopes (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 6'219x768 pixels    Download size: 843 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (19'436x2'400 pixels, 5.76 Mb)
Downloaded 3'170 times in 5'611 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_coldesessets.zip
Essets Pass near Anzeindaz (Swiss french Alps)    © Christophe Pannatier
11 handheld shots, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.0.0
Dimensions: 5'365x768 pixels    Download size: 773 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (20'868x2'987 pixels, 9.85 Mb)
Downloaded 2'937 times in 5'617 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_tahquamenonupperfalls.zip
Upper Tahquamenon Falls (Michigan, USA)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 2'699x768 pixels    Download size: 586 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'240x922 pixels, 897 Kb)
Downloaded 2'690 times in 5'637 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_tahquamenonlowerfalls.zip
Lower Tahquamenon Falls (Michigan, USA)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 2'576x768 pixels    Download size: 377 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (2'690x802 pixels, 458 Kb)
Downloaded 2'694 times in 5'637 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_mackinacbridge.zip
The Mackinac Bridge from St Ignace (Michigan, USA)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 4'820x768 pixels    Download size: 768 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'755x917 pixels, 1.14 Mb)
Downloaded 2'666 times in 5'637 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_niagarafalls02.zip
Niagara Falls (New York State, USA)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 4'441x768 pixels    Download size: 494 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'100x882 pixels, 736 Kb)
Downloaded 2'818 times in 5'637 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_niagarafalls01.zip
Niagara Falls from Skylon Tower (Ontario, Canada)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 2'967x768 pixels    Download size: 234 Kb
Downloaded 1'514 times in 5'637 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_niagarafallsnight.zip
Niagara Falls at night (Ontario, Canada)    © Miroslav Fotyi
Dimensions: 4'098x768 pixels    Download size: 251 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'690x879 pixels, 366 Kb)
Downloaded 2'955 times in 5'637 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_picdestats.zip
View from Estats Peak (Catalonia, Spain)    © Claude Lallemand
8 shots stitched with AutoStitch
Dimensions: 5'627x768 pixels    Download size: 657 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'503x1'024 pixels, 1.57 Mb)
Downloaded 2'691 times in 5'675 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_chicago02.zip
Downtown Chicago from G. Shedd Aquarium (Illinois, USA)    © Christophe Pannatier
Dimensions: 4'540x768 pixels    Download size: 543 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (16'552x2'800 pixels, 6.76 Mb)
Downloaded 2'947 times in 5'720 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_chicago01.zip
Downtown Chicago from Field Museum (Illinois, USA)    © Christophe Pannatier
Dimensions: 3'741x768 pixels    Download size: 373 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'680x1'782 pixels, 1.94 Mb)
Downloaded 3'026 times in 5'720 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_ruisseaudevresse.zip
Frozen Vresse creek (Ardennes, Belgium)    © Daniel Gibert
Dimensions: 4'676x768 pixels    Download size: 1.06 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'306x1'200 pixels, 2.44 Mb)
Downloaded 3'183 times in 5'730 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_alpesmarchairuz.zip
The Alps from the Marchairuz road (Swiss french area)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 7'873x768 pixels    Download size: 706 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'302x1'200 pixels, 1.6 Mb)
Downloaded 2'983 times in 5'733 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_valleedejoux.zip
Valley of Joux from Le Brassus (Swiss french area)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 3'986x768 pixels    Download size: 840 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (13'556x2'612 pixels, 9.03 Mb)
Downloaded 2'892 times in 5'733 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_bernex.zip
Sunset from La Beunaz (Haute-Savoie, France)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 3'474x768 pixels    Download size: 340 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (11'612x2'567 pixels, 3.82 Mb)
Downloaded 2'948 times in 5'733 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_bellefont.zip
Belledonne range from Bellefont pass (Isère, France)    © Florin Malafosse
Dimensions: 3'751x770 pixels    Download size: 1.15 Mb
Downloaded 1'433 times in 5'733 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday
You will find gorgeous mountains photos and panoramas on grand-angle.chez-alice.fr

Click here to download wp_arzlberghang02.zip
On mountain slope above Arzl (Tyrol, Austria)    © Paul Madersbacher
Dimensions: 4'649x768 pixels    Download size: 927 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'264x1'200 pixels, 2.25 Mb)
Downloaded 3'486 times in 5'765 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
More gorgeous 360° panoramas by Klaus and Paul Madersbacher on www.madersbacher.com

Click here to download wp_arzlberghang01.zip
On mountain slope above Arzl (Tyrol, Austria)    © Paul Madersbacher
Dimensions: 3'189x768 pixels    Download size: 694 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'983x1'200 pixels, 1.72 Mb)
Downloaded 2'942 times in 5'765 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
More gorgeous 360° panoramas by Klaus and Paul Madersbacher on www.madersbacher.com

Click here to download wp_rechenhof01.zip
Near Rechenhof above Arzl (Tyrol, Austria)    © Klaus Madersbacher
Dimensions: 5'628x768 pixels    Download size: 1.23 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'793x1'200 pixels, 3 Mb)
Downloaded 2'960 times in 5'765 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Many more gorgeous 360° panoramas by Klaus Madersbacher on www.madersbacher.com

Click here to download wp_arzlwaldweg.zip
Forest road near Arzl, Innsbruck area (Tyrol, Austria)    © Klaus Madersbacher
Dimensions: 5'851x768 pixels    Download size: 1.71 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'142x1'200 pixels, 4 Mb)
Downloaded 3'011 times in 5'765 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Many more gorgeous 360° panoramas by Klaus Madersbacher on www.madersbacher.com

Click here to download wp_flume.zip
Water Flume near Truckee (California, USA)    © Edward C. Hass
Dimensions: 5'790x768 pixels    Download size: 1.37 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (17'415x2'310 pixels, 8.15 Mb)
Downloaded 3'132 times in 5'992 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_madesimo.zip
Madesimo ski resort (Lombardia, Italy)    © Massimo Vincenzi
Dimensions: 2'825x768 pixels    Download size: 454 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'754x1'564 pixels, 2.37 Mb)
Downloaded 3'141 times in 6'024 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_gampenalm.zip
Near the Gampenalm, Villnöss Valley (South Tyrol, Italy)    © Volker Schmidt
Dimensions: 2'281x768 pixels    Download size: 210 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'266x2'783 pixels, 2.42 Mb)
Downloaded 3'254 times in 6'032 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_montrobert.zip
Mont Robert area in Renens (Near Lausanne, Switzerland)    © Marc Nicole
Dimensions: 4'748x768 pixels    Download size: 598 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'812x1'587 pixels, 2.55 Mb)
Downloaded 3'196 times in 6'036 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_groste.zip
View from Monte Grostè (Madonna di Campiglio, Italy)    © Stefano Bonacchi
Dimensions: 3'021x768 pixels    Download size: 533 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'028x1'024 pixels, 0.99 Mb)
Downloaded 3'052 times in 6'078 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_ovronnaztsantonnaire.zip
Skiing in Tsantonnaire above Ovronnaz (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Laurent Carron
Dimensions: 3'965x768 pixels    Download size: 479 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'220x1'786 pixels, 2.57 Mb)
Downloaded 3'322 times in 6'080 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can see Laurent's extraordinary rose garden on www.laroseraiedechataignier.ch

Click here to download wp_ormontdessus01.zip
The village of Les Diablerets (Ormont-Dessus, Vaud, Switzerland)    © Rémi Bovard
Dimensions: 5'357x768 pixels    Download size: 815 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'975x1'000 pixels, 1.74 Mb)
Downloaded 3'207 times in 6'101 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
More photos and panoramas by Rémi on his site Swiss Panoramas

Click here to download wp_naux.zip
Near the village of Naux (Ardennes, France)    © Daniel Gibert
Dimensions: 2'405x768 pixels    Download size: 656 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'452x2'060 pixels, 3.74 Mb)
Downloaded 3'181 times in 6'114 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_southtyrolwinter.zip
View of the Aferer Geisler from the Enzianhütte (South Tyrol, Italy)    © Volker Schmidt
Dimensions: 2'955x768 pixels    Download size: 287 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'715x2'265 pixels, 2.05 Mb)
Downloaded 3'201 times in 6'185 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_montfort.zip
View from Mont Fort, above Verbier (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Lutz Petruschke
Dimensions: 7'423x768 pixels    Download size: 1.05 Mb
Downloaded 2'022 times in 6'247 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_valmeinier.zip
On top of Valmeinier ski slopes (Savoie, France)    © Lionel Hesry
Dimensions: 4'403x768 pixels    Download size: 722 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'080x886 pixels, 955 Kb)
Downloaded 3'279 times in 6'277 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Beautiful panoramas, astronomy, nature and 3D photos on Lionel's blog

Click here to download wp_sunshinebanff.zip
Sunshine Ski Resort in Banff (Alberta, Canada)    © Christopher Good
Dimensions: 8'025x768 pixels    Download size: 882 Kb
Downloaded 1'920 times in 6'320 days  (1 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_lesagettes.zip
Night view over Sion from Les Agettes (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)
© Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 3'177x768 pixels    Download size: 459 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'840x2'379 pixels, 3.58 Mb)
Downloaded 4'280 times in 6'465 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_bullet02.zip
Sunset on the Alps from Bullet (Swiss french area)    © Georges Ziegenhagen
Dimensions: 3'126x768 pixels    Download size: 355 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'412x1'821 pixels, 2.31 Mb)
Downloaded 4'185 times in 6'822 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_bullet01.zip
Sunset on the Alps from Bullet (Swiss french area)    © Georges Ziegenhagen
Dimensions: 4'932x768 pixels    Download size: 384 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'664x1'738 pixels, 1.86 Mb)
Downloaded 4'363 times in 6'822 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_leysin.zip
Leysin ski resort (Swiss french Alps)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 4'584x768 pixels    Download size: 555 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'452x1'416 pixels, 2 Mb)
Downloaded 4'562 times in 6'842 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_arzlabend.zip
Winter evening in Arzl (Tyrol, Austria)    © Klaus Madersbacher
Dimensions: 5'385x768 pixels    Download size: 507 Kb
Downloaded 2'823 times in 6'843 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday
Many more gorgeous 360° panoramas by Klaus Madersbacher on www.madersbacher.com

Click here to download wp_charrathiver.zip
The village of Charrat in winter (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Pierre-Joseph Sauthier
Dimensions: 2'924x768 pixels    Download size: 659 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'164x2'144 pixels, 3.95 Mb)
Downloaded 5'280 times in 7'094 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_bastiments.zip
View from Bastiments Peak (Pyrénées-Orientale, France / Spain)    © Eric Bos
Dimensions: 4'610x768 pixels    Download size: 482 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'193x1'698 pixels, 2.16 Mb)
Downloaded 5'419 times in 7'142 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_lemontcharvin.zip
Mount Charvin in the Bornes range (Savoie, France)    © Damien Dalby
Dimensions: 2'941x768 pixels    Download size: 267 Kb
Downloaded 3'326 times in 7'168 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday
You can get your panoramas or others' printed at www.vision-360.net

Click here to download wp_fullyhiver.zip
View from Fully in winter (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Laurent Carron
Dimensions: 3'951x768 pixels    Download size: 784 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'136x1'776 pixels, 3.85 Mb)
Downloaded 5'104 times in 7'175 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can see Laurent's extraordinary rose garden on www.laroseraiedechataignier.ch

Click here to download wp_la_sage.zip
La Sage in Hérens Valley (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)    © Marc Nicole
Dimensions: 6'194x768 pixels    Download size: 778 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'098x1'500 pixels, 2.55 Mb)
Downloaded 5'553 times in 7'292 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_aletschgletscher.zip
The Aletsch glacier (Upper Valais, Switzerland)    © Fotopanorama
Dimensions: 2'591x768 pixels    Download size: 251 Kb
Downloaded 4'205 times in 7'794 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday
You can find a bigger version of this superb picture at http://www.fotopanorama.ch

Click here to download wp_gornergrat.zip
View from Gornergrat (Zermatt area, Switzerland)    © Marie-Jeanne Slesine-Steiger
Dimensions: 6'085x768 pixels    Download size: 817 Kb
Downloaded 4'638 times in 7'794 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_trocknersteg.zip
Trocknersteg (Zermatt area, Switzerland)    © Marie-Jeanne Slesine-Steiger
Dimensions: 4'557x768 pixels    Download size: 611 Kb
Downloaded 4'569 times in 7'794 days  (1 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_letalent.zip
Talent creek (Swiss french countryside)    © Jean-Daniel Völlmy
Dimensions: 4'776x768 pixels    Download size: 981 Kb
Downloaded 5'257 times in 7'794 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday