360° panoramas
360° panoramas
USA parks
High peaks
Winter scenes
Other landscapes
Vegetable kingdom
Churches & castles

Standard panoramas
Standard panoramas
USA parks
High peaks
Winter scenes
Other landscapes
Vegetable kingdom
Churches & castles

Vertical panoramas
Vertical panoramas
USA parks
High peaks
Winter scenes
Other landscapes
Vegetable kingdom
Churches & castles

Slide shows
Slide shows
USA parks
High peaks
Winter scenes
Other landscapes
Vegetable kingdom
Churches & castles

100 randomly
selected panoramas



Whole word

Panoramas of USA parks

The 115 pictures below are available for download

The panoramas can be freely downloaded, as long as they are for your
private use. If you want to use them for public or commercial purposes,
you have to contact their authors in order to obtain their authorization.
You can send an e-mail to WPanorama so that he can put
you in touch with the authors of the panoramas published on the site.

If you get an error 403 message when attempting to
download a file, please disable your download manager.

Each picture is packaged in a zip file with its configuration file so you can just unzip the files in the program data directory (My documents\WPanorama by default) and enjoy them.

Click on any thumbnail to download the full size standard picture
or on the logo or the "high resolution" link for the hig resolution picture.

Click here to download wp_bigcypresspreserve.zip
Big Cypress Preserve in the Everglades (Florida, USA)    © Paul Pacter
Dimensions: 2'045x768 pixels    Download size: 522 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'994x1'500 pixels, 1.62 Mb)
Downloaded 433 times in 508 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can find gorgeous photos by Paul on his website, www.PaulVisits.com

Click here to download wp_kapokpark.zip
Alligator Lake in Kapok Park (Clearwater, Florida, USA)    © Paul Pacter
Dimensions: 2'603x768 pixels    Download size: 560 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'101x1'800 pixels, 2.48 Mb)
Downloaded 504 times in 611 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can find gorgeous photos by Paul on his website, www.PaulVisits.com

Click here to download wp_chokoloskeebay.zip
Chokoloskee Bay in the Everglades (Gulf of Mexico, Florida, USA)
© Paul Pacter
Dimensions: 2'313x768 pixels    Download size: 355 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'506x2'160 pixels, 2.09 Mb)
Downloaded 600 times in 794 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can find gorgeous photos by Paul on his website, www.PaulVisits.com

Click here to download wp_tenthousandislands02.zip
Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge (Naples, Florida, USA)    © Paul Pacter
Dimensions: 3'341x768 pixels    Download size: 873 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'831x1'800 pixels, 3.94 Mb)
Downloaded 711 times in 1'015 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You can find gorgeous photos by Paul on his website, www.PaulVisits.com

Click here to download wp_tenthousandislands01.zip
Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge (Naples, Florida, USA)    © Paul Pacter
Dimensions: 3'209x768 pixels    Download size: 594 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'520x1'800 pixels, 2.53 Mb)
Downloaded 736 times in 1'015 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday
You can find gorgeous photos by Paul on his website, www.PaulVisits.com

Click here to download wp_northlakestatewildlifearea.zip
North Lake State Wildlife Area (Colorado, USA)    © David Ross
Dimensions: 1'920x768 pixels    Download size: 459 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'750x1'500 pixels, 1.47 Mb)
Downloaded 884 times in 1'294 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_paintminesinterpretivepark.zip
Paint Mines Interpretive Park (El Paso County, Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 4.4.2, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 3'262x768 pixels    Download size: 800 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'370x1'500 pixels, 2.62 Mb)
Downloaded 1'217 times in 1'819 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_sauerbeckmannfarm02.zip
Sauer-Beckmann Living History Farm (LBJ State Park, Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 3'042x768 pixels    Download size: 0.98 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'942x1'500 pixels, 2.97 Mb)
Downloaded 2'173 times in 2'386 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_sauerbeckmannfarm01.zip
Sauer-Beckmann Living History Farm (LBJ State Park, Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
8 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 4'195x768 pixels    Download size: 1.32 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'194x1'500 pixels, 4.49 Mb)
Downloaded 2'056 times in 2'386 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_holzwarthhistoricsite.zip
Holzwarth Historic Site (Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 2'979x768 pixels    Download size: 826 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'818x1'500 pixels, 2.65 Mb)
Downloaded 2'180 times in 2'541 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_neversummerranchtroutcamp.zip
Never Summer Ranch Trout Camp (Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA)
© Vic Garcia
8 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 3'350x768 pixels    Download size: 1.27 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'542x1'500 pixels, 4.15 Mb)
Downloaded 1'996 times in 2'541 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_timbercreek.zip
Timber Creek in Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
8 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 9'028x768 pixels    Download size: 3.75 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (17'632x1'500 pixels, 11.21 Mb)
Downloaded 2'128 times in 2'541 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_medicinebowcurve.zip
Medicine Bow Curve (Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 3'252x768 pixels    Download size: 0.98 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'352x1'500 pixels, 3.18 Mb)
Downloaded 1'968 times in 2'541 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_glaciallakecontinentaldivide.zip
Glacial Lake, Continental Divide (Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA)
© Vic Garcia
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 3'821x768 pixels    Download size: 927 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'464x1'500 pixels, 2.87 Mb)
Downloaded 1'962 times in 2'541 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_gorerange.zip
Gore Range (Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
3 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 2'467x768 pixels    Download size: 825 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'819x1'500 pixels, 2.53 Mb)
Downloaded 1'926 times in 2'541 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_lavacliffstreeline.zip
Lava Cliffs Tree Line (Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 4'701x768 pixels    Download size: 1.07 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'181x1'500 pixels, 3.49 Mb)
Downloaded 1'950 times in 2'541 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_alluvialfan.zip
Alluvial Fan in Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
5 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 2'959x768 pixels    Download size: 1.05 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'780x1'500 pixels, 3.42 Mb)
Downloaded 1'961 times in 2'541 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_aspenglowtrailridgeroad.zip
Aspen Glow from Trail Ridge Road (Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA)
© Vic Garcia
9 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 5'121x768 pixels    Download size: 1.53 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'003x1'500 pixels, 5.19 Mb)
Downloaded 2'004 times in 2'541 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_longspeak.zip
Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 7D 18-200mm lens
Dimensions: 5'043x768 pixels    Download size: 1.38 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'849x1'500 pixels, 4.23 Mb)
Downloaded 2'002 times in 2'541 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_craterlake02.zip
Crater Lake National Park (Oregon, USA)    © Joke Vollebregt
3 HDR images
Dimensions: 1'920x768 pixels    Download size: 357 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (2'700x1'080 pixels, 592 Kb)
Downloaded 3'377 times in 3'454 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_grandtetonjennylake02.zip
Jenny Lake, Grand Tetons National Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Joke Vollebregt
12 vertical images
Dimensions: 2'868x768 pixels    Download size: 563 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'033x1'080 pixels, 3.85 Mb)
Downloaded 3'032 times in 3'454 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_yellowstoneartistspainpots.zip
Artists Painpots in Yellowstone (Wyoming, USA)    © Joke Vollebregt
2 rows of 14 images each
Dimensions: 1'942x768 pixels    Download size: 447 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (2'731x1'080 pixels, 2.86 Mb)
Downloaded 2'625 times in 3'454 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_monumentvalley07.zip
Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park (Arizona / Utah, USA)    © Pierre Gervais
Stitched with Autopano, Sony HX20V
Dimensions: 6'630x768 pixels    Download size: 832 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'735x896 pixels, 1.11 Mb)
Downloaded 2'927 times in 3'616 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_reflectionlakemtrainier.zip
Reflection Lake in Mount Rainier National Park (Washington, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
4 images, stitched with Autopano Giga 3.6, Canon Powershot S100
Dimensions: 3'291x768 pixels    Download size: 679 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'142x1'200 pixels, 1.56 Mb)
Downloaded 2'907 times in 3'656 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_deathvalleyzabriskiepoint03.zip
Zabriskie Point in Death Valley (California, USA)    © Rémi Bovard
Dimensions: 4'489x768 pixels    Download size: 704 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'768x1'500 pixels, 1.59 Mb)
Downloaded 2'942 times in 3'847 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
More photos and panoramas by Rémi on his site Swiss Panoramas

Click here to download wp_caprockcanyons05.zip
Caprock Canyons State Park (Quitaque, Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
7 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 60D
Dimensions: 3'356x768 pixels    Download size: 798 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'555x1'500 pixels, 2.59 Mb)
Downloaded 2'682 times in 3'937 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_caprockcanyons04.zip
Caprock Canyons State Park (Quitaque, Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
8 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 60D
Dimensions: 4'022x768 pixels    Download size: 928 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'284x1'200 pixels, 2.01 Mb)
Downloaded 2'665 times in 3'937 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_caprockcanyons03.zip
Caprock Canyons State Park (Quitaque, Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 60D
Dimensions: 4'756x768 pixels    Download size: 1.24 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'431x1'200 pixels, 2.63 Mb)
Downloaded 2'700 times in 3'937 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_caprockcanyons02.zip
Caprock Canyons State Park (Quitaque, Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 60D
Dimensions: 2'768x768 pixels    Download size: 853 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'406x1'500 pixels, 2.69 Mb)
Downloaded 2'546 times in 3'937 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_caprockcanyons01.zip
Caprock Canyons State Park (Quitaque, Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
6 images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon EOS 60D
Dimensions: 6'620x768 pixels    Download size: 880 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'589x1'200 pixels, 1.87 Mb)
Downloaded 2'548 times in 3'937 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_deathvalleyzabriskiepoint02.zip
Zabriskie Point at Sunrise (Death Valley, California, USA)    © Joke Vollebregt
15 vertical images
Dimensions: 1'920x768 pixels    Download size: 262 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'500x1'800 pixels, 1.12 Mb)
Downloaded 2'912 times in 4'183 days  (9 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_twomedicinelake.zip
Lower Two Medicine Lake (Glacier National Park, Montana, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
5 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.4, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'509x768 pixels    Download size: 561 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'854x1'500 pixels, 1.83 Mb)
Downloaded 3'249 times in 4'282 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_grandtetonjennylake.zip
Jenny Lake, Grand Tetons National Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
5 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.4, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'356x768 pixels    Download size: 641 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'243x1'200 pixels, 1.31 Mb)
Downloaded 3'113 times in 4'282 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_grandtetons05.zip
Jackson Lake, Grand Tetons National Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
6 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.3, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'164x768 pixels    Download size: 817 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'072x1'800 pixels, 1.68 Mb)
Downloaded 3'562 times in 4'379 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_glacierwestentrance.zip
Glacier National Park near West Entrance (Montana, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
8 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.4, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'873x768 pixels    Download size: 508 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'610x1'500 pixels, 1.74 Mb)
Downloaded 2'973 times in 4'379 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_norrisgeyserbasin.zip
Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
7 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.4, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'087x768 pixels    Download size: 401 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'077x1'500 pixels, 1.36 Mb)
Downloaded 2'864 times in 4'379 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_midwaygeyserbasin.zip
Midway Geyser Basin in Yellowstone Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
5 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.4, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'622x768 pixels    Download size: 248 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'097x1'200 pixels, 599 Kb)
Downloaded 2'956 times in 4'379 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_mammothhotsprings02.zip
Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces in Yellowstone Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
5 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.4, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'710x768 pixels    Download size: 936 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'797x1'200 pixels, 1.97 Mb)
Downloaded 2'931 times in 4'379 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_pelicancreek.zip
Pelican Creek near Lake Village in Yellowstone Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
8 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.4, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 5'074x768 pixels    Download size: 1.03 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'928x1'200 pixels, 2.22 Mb)
Downloaded 3'215 times in 4'379 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_oldfaithful.zip
"Old Faithful" Geyser in Yellowstone Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
7 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.3, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'100x768 pixels    Download size: 416 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'266x1'800 pixels, 1.86 Mb)
Downloaded 3'046 times in 4'445 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_grandtetons04.zip
Jackson Lake, Grand Tetons National Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
4 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.3, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'164x768 pixels    Download size: 462 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'072x1'800 pixels, 1.95 Mb)
Downloaded 2'878 times in 4'445 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_manyglacier.zip
Many Glacier in Glacier National Park (Montana, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
9 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.3, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'080x768 pixels    Download size: 666 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'218x1'800 pixels, 3.02 Mb)
Downloaded 2'914 times in 4'445 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_badlandswhiterivervalley.zip
White River Valley Overlook in Badlands National Park (South Dakota, USA)
© Martin Lancaster
9 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2.6.3, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'753x768 pixels    Download size: 1.04 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'797x1'800 pixels, 4.09 Mb)
Downloaded 2'870 times in 4'445 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_hotspringsstatepark02.zip
Buffalo Pasture in Hot Springs State Park (Thermopolis, Wyoming, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon Powershot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 4'586x768 pixels    Download size: 925 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'165x1'200 pixels, 1.92 Mb)
Downloaded 2'893 times in 4'722 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_hotspringsstatepark01.zip
Buffalo Pasture in Hot Springs State Park (Thermopolis, Wyoming, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon Powershot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 6'099x768 pixels    Download size: 975 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'530x1'200 pixels, 2.02 Mb)
Downloaded 2'965 times in 4'722 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_glacierfromakamina.zip
Glacier National Park (USA) from Akamina Ridge (British Columbia, Canada)
© Daniel Gibert
Dimensions: 3'028x768 pixels    Download size: 724 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'098x1'800 pixels, 3.86 Mb)
Downloaded 3'257 times in 4'745 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_mammothhotsprings.zip
Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces at Yellowstone (Wyoming, USA)    © Vic Garcia
5 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 5'009x768 pixels    Download size: 933 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'783x1'500 pixels, 2.87 Mb)
Downloaded 3'113 times in 4'763 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_mudvolcanocaldron.zip
Mud Volcano Caldron at Yellowstone (Wyoming, USA)    © Vic Garcia
3 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 2'554x768 pixels    Download size: 629 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'988x1'500 pixels, 2.03 Mb)
Downloaded 2'896 times in 4'763 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_grandtetons03.zip
Grand Tetons National Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Vic Garcia
8 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 6'672x768 pixels    Download size: 1.16 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (13'030x1'500 pixels, 3.59 Mb)
Downloaded 3'236 times in 4'777 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_devilstower01.zip
View over Devil's Tower (Wyoming, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 3'710x768 pixels    Download size: 690 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'796x1'200 pixels, 1.58 Mb)
Downloaded 2'784 times in 4'780 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_custerstatepark.zip
View from Mount Coolidge Summit, Custer State Park (South Dakota, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 3'093x768 pixels    Download size: 504 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'833x1'200 pixels, 1.15 Mb)
Downloaded 2'661 times in 4'780 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_mtrushmore03.zip
Mt Rushmore in the Black Hills (South Dakota, USA)    © Vic Garcia
Dimensions: 2'855x768 pixels    Download size: 583 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'691x1'800 pixels, 2.53 Mb)
Downloaded 3'254 times in 4'785 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_mtrushmore02.zip
Mt Rushmore in the Black Hills (South Dakota, USA)    © Vic Garcia
Dimensions: 2'438x768 pixels    Download size: 571 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'714x1'800 pixels, 2.42 Mb)
Downloaded 2'933 times in 4'785 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_crazyhorsememorial02.zip
Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills (South Dakota, USA)    © Vic Garcia
3 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 2'509x768 pixels    Download size: 495 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (3'920x1'200 pixels, 1.06 Mb)
Downloaded 2'808 times in 4'785 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_crazyhorsememorial01.zip
Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills (South Dakota, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 3'721x768 pixels    Download size: 840 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'268x1'500 pixels, 2.68 Mb)
Downloaded 3'036 times in 4'785 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_deathvalleyzabriskiepoint.zip
Zabriskie Point in Death Valley (California, USA)    © Patrick Bosmans
9 images
Dimensions: 4'901x768 pixels    Download size: 841 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'714x1'052 pixels, 1.01 Mb)
Downloaded 3'359 times in 4'802 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_deathvalleyentrance.zip
Death Valley Entrance (California, USA)    © Patrick Bosmans
11 images
Dimensions: 3'224x768 pixels    Download size: 538 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'566x1'564 pixels, 1.38 Mb)
Downloaded 3'250 times in 4'802 days  (9 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_archesfieryfurnace.zip
Fiery Furnace in Arches National Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
4 images, stitched with Autopano 2.5, Nikon Coolpix E7900
Dimensions: 3'441x768 pixels    Download size: 679 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'277x1'624 pixels, 2.31 Mb)
Downloaded 3'120 times in 4'841 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_archeslasalmountains.zip
La Sal Mountains Overlook in Arches National Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
8 images, stitched with Autopano 2.5, Nikon Coolpix E7900
Dimensions: 4'617x768 pixels    Download size: 830 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'017x1'500 pixels, 2.74 Mb)
Downloaded 3'260 times in 4'841 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_brycebrycepoint.zip
View from Bryce Point in Bryce Canyon (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
8 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 5'673x768 pixels    Download size: 1.5 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (15'586x2'110 pixels, 8.43 Mb)
Downloaded 3'221 times in 4'995 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_brycesunsetpoint02.zip
View from Sunset Point in Bryce Canyon (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
6 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'881x768 pixels    Download size: 887 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'158x3'241 pixels, 9.53 Mb)
Downloaded 3'012 times in 4'995 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_zionemeraldpool.zip
Emerald Pool in Zion National Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
7 images, stitched with Autopano Pro 2, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'078x768 pixels    Download size: 912 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (11'552x2'882 pixels, 8.65 Mb)
Downloaded 2'964 times in 5'015 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_palodurostatepark05.zip
Palo Duro State Park (Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
5 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 4'358x768 pixels    Download size: 1.08 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (14'868x2'620 pixels, 8.35 Mb)
Downloaded 2'792 times in 5'036 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_palodurostatepark04.zip
Palo Duro State Park (Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
6 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 3'907x768 pixels    Download size: 1.1 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'536x2'464 pixels, 7.58 Mb)
Downloaded 2'660 times in 5'036 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_palodurostatepark03.zip
Palo Duro State Park (Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
8 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 7'303x768 pixels    Download size: 1.71 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (28'900x3'039 pixels, 15.3 Mb)
Downloaded 2'743 times in 5'036 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_palodurostatepark02.zip
Palo Duro State Park (Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
7 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 5'924x768 pixels    Download size: 1.28 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (18'705x2'425 pixels, 8.48 Mb)
Downloaded 2'728 times in 5'036 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_palodurostatepark01.zip
Palo Duro State Park (Texas, USA)    © Vic Garcia
3 handheld images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 2'485x768 pixels    Download size: 529 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'269x2'556 pixels, 3.95 Mb)
Downloaded 2'637 times in 5'036 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_zion.zip
Zion National Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'347x768 pixels    Download size: 580 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'777x2'218 pixels, 3.23 Mb)
Downloaded 2'961 times in 5'037 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_capitolreef02.zip
Panorama Point in Capitol Reef National Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 5'515x768 pixels    Download size: 1.36 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (14'793x2'060 pixels, 6.83 Mb)
Downloaded 2'939 times in 5'037 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_kodachromebasin02.zip
Kodachrome Basin State Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 4'990x768 pixels    Download size: 1.22 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'268x1'888 pixels, 4.95 Mb)
Downloaded 2'852 times in 5'037 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_kodachromebasin01.zip
Kodachrome Basin State Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 4'336x768 pixels    Download size: 952 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'314x1'827 pixels, 3.78 Mb)
Downloaded 2'848 times in 5'037 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_monumentvalleyvisitorcenter.zip
Monument Valley from Visitor Center (Arizona, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 5'741x768 pixels    Download size: 1.12 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'709x1'700 pixels, 4.07 Mb)
Downloaded 3'601 times in 5'037 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_canyonlandsneedlesoverlook.zip
View from Needles Overlook in Canyonlands (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 7'439x768 pixels    Download size: 1.93 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (16'709x1'725 pixels, 6.28 Mb)
Downloaded 2'864 times in 5'037 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_canyonlandscandlestick.zip
Candlestick in Canyonlands National Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'690x768 pixels    Download size: 552 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'400x1'827 pixels, 2.08 Mb)
Downloaded 2'854 times in 5'037 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_canyonlandsbuckcanyon.zip
Buck Canyon in Canyonlands National Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 4'149x768 pixels    Download size: 781 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'291x1'720 pixels, 2.56 Mb)
Downloaded 2'930 times in 5'037 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_brycesunsetpoint.zip
View from Sunset Point in Bryce Canyon (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 2'385x768 pixels    Download size: 676 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'356x2'047 pixels, 2.83 Mb)
Downloaded 2'912 times in 5'037 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_brycepariaview.zip
View from Paria View in Bryce Canyon (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
Stitched with Arcsoft Panorama V5, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'100x768 pixels    Download size: 645 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'939x1'967 pixels, 2.88 Mb)
Downloaded 2'913 times in 5'037 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_archeswindowssection.zip
Windows Section in Arches National Park (Utah, USA)    © Martin Lancaster
6 shots, stitched with Arcsoft Panorama, Nikon Coolpix 7900
Dimensions: 3'301x768 pixels    Download size: 862 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'185x2'137 pixels, 4.06 Mb)
Downloaded 3'053 times in 5'043 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
All the panoramas and a few videos by Martin on his website

Click here to download wp_lakefaussepointe.zip
Sunset at Lake Fausse Pointe State Park (Louisiana, USA)    © Reid Umberger
Stitched with Autopano Giga 2, Canon PowerShot SD770 IS
Dimensions: 2'997x768 pixels    Download size: 508 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'980x2'814 pixels, 4.35 Mb)
Downloaded 2'916 times in 5'051 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_brycecanyon03.zip
Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah, USA)    © Rémi Bovard
Dimensions: 3'054x768 pixels    Download size: 778 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'772x1'200 pixels, 2.55 Mb)
Downloaded 3'033 times in 5'072 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Rémi's and Sébastien's trip in the USA on usa08.nstx.ch

Click here to download wp_monumentvalley06.zip
Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park (Arizona / Utah, USA)    © Rémi Bovard
Dimensions: 7'365x768 pixels    Download size: 802 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (11'507x1'200 pixels, 3 Mb)
Downloaded 3'595 times in 5'072 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Rémi's and Sébastien's trip in the USA on usa08.nstx.ch

Click here to download wp_gardenofthegods02.zip
Southern Portion of Garden of the Gods (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 hand held images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 3'310x768 pixels    Download size: 425 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'000x2'320 pixels, 4.77 Mb)
Downloaded 2'808 times in 5'090 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_pikespeakfromgardenofthegods.zip
Front Range and Pikes Peak from Garden of the Gods (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
3 hand held images, stitched with Autopano Giga, Canon PowerShot SX1-IS
Dimensions: 3'310x768 pixels    Download size: 573 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'000x2'320 pixels, 4.28 Mb)
Downloaded 2'759 times in 5'090 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_grandcanyon04.zip
Grand Canyon from the South Rim (Arizona, USA)    © Brian Wrigley
Dimensions: 4'390x768 pixels    Download size: 781 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'545x1'670 pixels, 3.19 Mb)
Downloaded 3'219 times in 5'237 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_monumentvalley05.zip
Sunset over Monument Valley (Arizona / Utah, USA)    © Jacques Abbeels
Pentax K20
Dimensions: 3'212x768 pixels    Download size: 369 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'724x2'325 pixels, 2.14 Mb)
Downloaded 3'390 times in 5'369 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_grandcanyon03.zip
Grand Canyon from Desert View Point (Arizona, USA)    © Jacques Abbeels
Pentax K20
Dimensions: 2'594x768 pixels    Download size: 383 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'206x2'430 pixels, 2.52 Mb)
Downloaded 3'132 times in 5'369 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_islandinthesky02.zip
Canyonlands from Grand View Point (Utah, USA)    © Jacques Abbeels
19 images portrait, Pentax K20
Dimensions: 5'042x768 pixels    Download size: 874 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (18'028x2'746 pixels, 8.04 Mb)
Downloaded 3'115 times in 5'369 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_islandinthesky.zip
Island in the Sky, Canyonlands National Park (Utah, USA)    © Jacques Abbeels
20 images portrait, stitched with Microsoft Research Image Composite Editor, Pentax K20
Dimensions: 5'377x768 pixels    Download size: 928 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (19'448x2'778 pixels, 9.45 Mb)
Downloaded 3'055 times in 5'392 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_grandcanyonsouthrim.zip
Grand Canyon from the South Rim (Arizona, USA)    © Kay Foetisch
Dimensions: 2'476x768 pixels    Download size: 516 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'877x1'823 pixels, 7.6 Mb)
Downloaded 3'267 times in 5'499 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Beautiful pictures of Jana's and Kay's trips can be seen on www.rarotonga.jimdo.com

Click here to download wp_grandcanyonnorthrim.zip
Grand Canyon from the North Rim (Arizona, USA)    © Kay Foetisch
Dimensions: 2'443x768 pixels    Download size: 327 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'557x1'747 pixels, 4.98 Mb)
Downloaded 3'051 times in 5'499 days  (9 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Beautiful pictures of Jana's and Kay's trips can be seen on www.rarotonga.jimdo.com

Click here to download wp_royalgorge.zip
Royal Gorge near Canon City (Colorado, USA)    © Vic Garcia
7 hand held images, stitched with Autopano, Canon PowerShot A720IS
Dimensions: 4'103x768 pixels    Download size: 931 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (11'529x2'158 pixels, 7.58 Mb)
Downloaded 2'851 times in 5'515 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Details about this fantastic bridge and its rides on www.royalgorgebridge.com

Click here to download wp_manyglacierlake.zip
Swiftcurrent Lake, Glacier National Park (Montana, USA)    © Vic Garcia
5 hand held images, stitched with Autopano, Fuji FinePix S9000
Dimensions: 2'899x768 pixels    Download size: 491 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'505x1'988 pixels, 3.71 Mb)
Downloaded 3'186 times in 5'526 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_grandprismaticspring02.zip
Grand Prismatic Spring at Yellowstone (Wyoming, USA)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 5'500x768 pixels    Download size: 1.37 Mb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (13'472x1'881 pixels, 8.69 Mb)
Downloaded 3'236 times in 5'576 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Rémi's and Sébastien's trip in the USA on usa08.nstx.ch

Click here to download wp_monumentvalley04.zip
Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park (Arizona / Utah, USA)    © Vic Garcia
5 hand held images, stitched with Autopano, Canon Powershot S5IS
Dimensions: 3'028x768 pixels    Download size: 547 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'395x2'383 pixels, 6.04 Mb)
Downloaded 2'966 times in 5'582 days  (7 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_monumentvalley03.zip
Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park (Arizona / Utah, USA)    © Vic Garcia
4 images, taken with the help of a tripod, Canon Powershot S5IS
Dimensions: 2'260x768 pixels    Download size: 439 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (6'487x2'204 pixels, 4.38 Mb)
Downloaded 2'884 times in 5'582 days  (9 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Gorgeous pictures of Vic's trips on his site www.garciatrips.com,
as well as astounding videos of wild animals on youtube

Click here to download wp_spraguelake.zip
Sprague Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado, USA)    © Bill Bicknell
Dimensions: 2'766x768 pixels    Download size: 475 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'994x1'664 pixels, 2.41 Mb)
Downloaded 3'409 times in 5'590 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_deadhorsepoint.zip
Dead Horse Point State Park (Utah, USA)    © Rémi Bovard
Dimensions: 3'805x768 pixels    Download size: 556 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'955x1'000 pixels, 1.24 Mb)
Downloaded 3'351 times in 5'753 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Rémi's and Sébastien's trip in the USA on usa08.nstx.ch

Click here to download wp_goosenecks.zip
Goosenecks State Park and San Juan River (Utah, USA)    © Rémi Bovard
Dimensions: 3'458x768 pixels    Download size: 777 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'502x1'000 pixels, 1.76 Mb)
Downloaded 3'628 times in 5'753 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Rémi's and Sébastien's trip in the USA on usa08.nstx.ch

Click here to download wp_canyonlands01.zip
Canyonlands from Grand View Point (Utah, USA)    © Theo Mattaar
Dimensions: 3'134x768 pixels    Download size: 482 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (8'095x1'984 pixels, 2.7 Mb)
Downloaded 3'225 times in 5'817 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You will see superb photos and panoramas by Theo on his site, mattaar.com

Click here to download wp_monumentvalley02.zip
Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park (Arizona / Utah, USA)    © Theo Mattaar
Dimensions: 4'926x768 pixels    Download size: 662 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (16'062x2'504 pixels, 5.36 Mb)
Downloaded 3'983 times in 5'817 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You will see superb photos and panoramas by Theo on his site, mattaar.com

Click here to download wp_brycecanyonsunset.zip
Sunset at Bryce Canyon (Utah, USA)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 6'404x768 pixels    Download size: 364 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'364x1'243 pixels, 925 Kb)
Downloaded 3'585 times in 5'837 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Rémi's and Sébastien's trip in the USA on usa08.nstx.ch

Click here to download wp_brycecanyon01.zip
Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah, USA)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 2'688x768 pixels    Download size: 668 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (10'500x3'000 pixels, 8.23 Mb)
Downloaded 3'288 times in 5'867 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Rémi's and Sébastien's trip in the USA on usa08.nstx.ch

Click here to download wp_grandcanyon02.zip
Grand Canyon from start of Bright Angel Trail (Arizona, USA)    © Sébastien Bovard
Dimensions: 3'626x768 pixels    Download size: 759 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'631x2'675 pixels, 7.86 Mb)
Downloaded 3'667 times in 5'867 days  (9 over the last ten days)   Last time today
Rémi's and Sébastien's trip in the USA on usa08.nstx.ch

Click here to download wp_grandcanyon01.zip
Grand Canyon from Mather Point (Arizona, USA)    © Vladimir Cisar
Dimensions: 3'962x768 pixels    Download size: 1.12 Mb
Downloaded 2'538 times in 6'164 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_gardenofthegods.zip
The Garden of the Gods (Colorado, USA)    © Reed Radcliffe
Dimensions: 4'886x768 pixels    Download size: 760 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (13'684x2'151 pixels, 5.97 Mb)
Downloaded 3'896 times in 6'179 days  (5 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You will see more gorgeous photos by Reed on his website, triplerphotography.com

Click here to download wp_mesaverde.zip
The Indian ruins of Mesa Verde (Colorado, USA)    © Reed Radcliffe
Dimensions: 2'217x768 pixels    Download size: 605 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (7'000x2'425 pixels, 5.04 Mb)
Downloaded 3'481 times in 6'181 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You will see more gorgeous photos by Reed on his website, triplerphotography.com

Click here to download wp_monumentvalley01.zip
Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park (Arizona / Utah, USA)    © Reed Radcliffe
Dimensions: 4'342x768 pixels    Download size: 879 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (12'252x2'167 pixels, 6.44 Mb)
Downloaded 4'197 times in 6'192 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today
You will see more gorgeous photos by Reed on his website, triplerphotography.com

Click here to download wp_grandtetons.zip
Jackson Lake in Grand Tetons National Park (Wyoming, USA)    © Alan Grotz
Dimensions: 4'190x768 pixels    Download size: 592 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (9'569x1'754 pixels, 2.49 Mb)
Downloaded 4'123 times in 6'244 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_tioga.zip
Tioga Pass, Yosemite National Park (California, USA)    © Volker Schmidt
Dimensions: 4'433x768 pixels    Download size: 720 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (5'177x897 pixels, 2.87 Mb)
Downloaded 4'291 times in 6'258 days  (8 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_sentineldome.zip
Sentinel Dome, Yosemite National Park (California, USA)    © Volker Schmidt
Dimensions: 4'015x768 pixels    Download size: 387 Kb
 This panorama is also available in high resolution (4'653x890 pixels, 562 Kb)
Downloaded 3'946 times in 6'258 days  (6 over the last ten days)   Last time today

Click here to download wp_craterlake.zip
Crater Lake National Park (Oregon, USA)    © James Perdue
Dimensions: 2'226x768 pixels    Download size: 317 Kb
Downloaded 4'039 times in 6'889 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_mtrushmore.zip
Mt Rushmore in the Black Hills (South Dakota, USA)    © Steve Waldner
(Amusing effect of panoramic photograph: the woman with the blue shirt is taking a picture of herself)
Dimensions: 3'242x768 pixels    Download size: 863 Kb
Downloaded 3'925 times in 6'993 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_grandprismaticspring.zip
Grand Prismatic Spring at Yellowstone (Wyoming, USA)    © James Perdue
Dimensions: 2'645x768 pixels    Download size: 389 Kb
Downloaded 4'915 times in 7'295 days  (4 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_tetoncloseup.zip
Grand Tetons (Wyoming, USA)    © James Perdue
Dimensions: 4'816x768 pixels    Download size: 561 Kb
Downloaded 5'748 times in 7'298 days  (2 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday

Click here to download wp_henryslake.zip
Henry's Lake (Idaho, USA)    © James Perdue
Dimensions: 4'089x768 pixels    Download size: 1.02 Mb
Downloaded 5'478 times in 7'335 days  (3 over the last ten days)   Last time yesterday